Saturday, 21 July 2012

A Must Read Book, The Future of Oil: A Straight Story of the Canadian Oil Sands

The Future of Oil is coming soon !

I am about to accomplish one of my goals of publishing my book titled “The Future of Oil: A Straight Story of The Canadian Oil Sands”. My book is a clear and concise, yet complete guide to the Canadian oil sands and it covers the topics of energy, history, economy, environment, technology, and ethics. The book will be a valuable resource – the ultimate resource - for those who want to know more and learn the facts about the oil sands.

About This Book:

Unless we are able to increase the global oil supply, we face a bleak future of depleting reserves and high energy prices. Since conventional oil reserves are dwindling, we have no alternative but to increasingly rely on unconventional oil, and for political, economic, and environmental reasons, the Canadian oil sands offer the very best unconventional oil we can get. 

Never before has a book offered an insider’s view of this controversial industry. The Future of Oil objectively considers economic necessity and the nature of current technological limitations to arrive at a series of connected and inescapable conclusions. The transition to an age of cleaner energy production is necessary and inevitable, but we cannot yet live without oil.  Oil must have a future, or we do not have one, and the oil sands of Canada are the centrepiece of that future. 
Once the interest of the reader is sparked, and focussed on learning about the unique role of the Canadian oil sands in complementing oil supply, the rest of the book supports the initial argument. The discussion is driven by one of the book’s central aims, to address all the main objections to oil sands development that have been posed by journalists, environmentalists, first Nations leaders, and others. By the end of the book, the reader should have a much deeper understanding of all the issues involved, and be able to form his own opinion on the Canadian oil sands. 

The Future of Oil is a clear, concise, yet complete guide to the Canadian oil sands industry, covering history, the environment, technology, and ethics. It addresses all the main objections to oil sands development that have been posed by journalists, environmentalists, First Nations leaders, and others. The author does not sugarcoat the hard facts, but objectively presents the arguments of oil sands critics and proponents alike. As a result, readers should have a much deeper understanding of all the issues involved, and be able to form their own opinions. 

The straight-spoken, journalistic style of The Future of Oil will appeal both to a general readership and those working in the oil sands industry, serving as a valuable resource by providing the big picture. Most of all, it offers, for the first time, an insider’s view of a crucial energy debate that will be with us for some time to come. 

Please stay tuned and forward this message to your friends in your network. Thanks.

Note: The views expressed in this post are my own and not that of Suncor.


  1. Cant wait. When its coming out? Will it be avaiable in the book stores?

    1. Yes will be in the book stores. It can be ordered from my website also which is under construction now. Thanks.

  2. I would definitely like to read this book.


  3. Sanjay,
    Congratulation! I would definately read it.

    Project Manager

  4. All the best
    I will wait for you book

  5. PRAKASH MULLICK22 July 2012 at 09:42

    Hello Sanjay:

    I am very proud of you to have undertaken the monumental task of writing such a book. It is very encouraging to note that you have included both the pros and cons on the development of the oil sands industry.

    I look forward to reading the book. When will it be published?

    I will also forward the information to my contacts, both current employees and retirees who may be interested in reading the book.

    Congratulations and best wishes for continued success.

  6. I am waiting to read this...sounds interesting

  7. I will read this book.
    Can you recommend any other very current books (or soon to arrive) that take into account this notion of a shale boom in the US, the latest tar sand developments, crude in the Middle East, etc?
    Several books seemed to miss the possibility of these unconventional oil sources spurning a new boom that could throw off existing models.

